Episode 33 - Time to be back in the office? More nyc marathon discussions; make yourself accountable to move more; and other health & wellness topics

  1. Time to go back to the office to work? A discussion about how various people are thinking about it and how their companies are approaching it

  2. The benefits of moving more consistently throughout the day. Muscles less stiff, improved blood flow throughout the body, including to the brain which means we are more mentally acute, maintaining and building muscle mass in the body and the legs, keeping away atrophy, which happens when we don’t move enough.

  3. Movement. The importance of moving consistently throughout the day. And it’s not just about the number of steps you get. It’s also about moving consistently throughout the day, trying to not have more than 6 to 8 hours a day where we are not active. Having six or less hours without 300 steps and 7000 steps is likely much better for your body than having 10,000 Steps and 12 hours with less than 300 steps

  4. A brief follow up discussion about the New York City Marathon And the logistics of pulling it off, for runners and the crowd

  5. The difference between exercise and movement And aerobic, anaerobic, and below aerobic heart rate zones. Exercise is when we elevate our heart rate above an easy walk or do strength training, and movement is when we have an easy walk that does not Elevate our heart rate. On the JVB app, we treat all activities this way. So, if you start a walking file automatically generates for you, if your heart rate is above a certain level, into your aerobic zone, not in the below Robert zone, then we consider an exercise. Otherwise it is movement. The aerobic heart rate zone varies by person. The older you are, the higher the real big zone will be. As a general rule, The below aerobic zone and aerobic zone inflection point is usually somewhere between 102 and 110 depending on your age. For me it is 102, I’m 51 years old. If you are 40, it might be 109 or 110.

  6. A brief discussion about the importance of getting an annual physical with bloodwork and urine measured

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